Wolfsburg, Germany - Since 2011


Population of Wolfsburg:

  •  54,700 people

Latitude of Wolfsburg:

  •  52.4227 (52° 25' 22" N)

Longitude of Wolfsburg:

  •  10.7865 (10° 47' 12" E)

Altitude of Wolfsburg:

  •  54.67 m

GMT time in Wolfsburg:CET +1hour

About Wolfsburg

Wolfsburg is an urban district and the fifth largest major city in the Lower Saxony area in the North of Germany. It is located on the River Aller northeast of Braunschweig (Brunswick). Wolfsburg is bordered by the districts of Gifhorn and Helmstedt. Germany's capital city, Berlin, is located about 230 kilometers East of Wolfsburg.

The city is world-famous as the main headquarters of the Volkswagen AG and was one of the few German cities built during the first half of the 20th century. In 1972, the population first exceeded the mark of 100,000 which made Wolfsburg a major city. From its foundation on 1 July 1938 until 25 May 1945 the city was called "Stadt des KdF-Wagens near Fallersleben". It was meant to be the domicile for the workers of the Volkswagen factory which should produce the "KdF-Wagen" (VW Beetle).

Did you know?

The total annual precipitation is about 532 mm (21 in) which is quite low as it belongs to the lowest tenth of the measured data in Germany. Only 7% of all observation stations of the Deutscher Wetterdienst (German Weather Service) record lower data. The driest month is October. Precipitation hardly diversifies and is constantly distributed all over the year.