Wuxi, China - Since 1982
Population of Wuxi:
6,372,624 people
Latitude of Wuxi:
31.4906 (31° 29' 26" N)
Longitude of Wuxi:
120.3111 (120° 18' 40" E)
Altitude of Wuxi:
11 m
GMT time in Wuxi: GMT/UTC 08.00+
About Wuxi
On October 12, 1982, Chattanooga Mayor Pat Rose signed the Sister City Agreement with Wuxi Mayor Jian Ma. The Agreement strives to promote visits between the two cities and to have extensive exchange and cooperation in the fields of economy, culture, art, education, science and technology, municipal administration, and urban development. Since then, Chattanooga and Wuxi have had many exchanges in government official visits, conferences, and student exchange programs.
The City of Wuxi was originally founded in 202 B.C., during the Western Han dynasty. Located 80 miles west of Shanghai in the fertile Yanzi River delta, Wuxi is one of the richest cities in China. It has a population of 6.5 million. Wuxi is home to the world's largest solar panel manufacturers and is famous for traditional Chinese gardens, silk, pearls, and clay figurines.
Wuxi, a scenic city on Lake Taihu, faces the lake on the south and Huai Mountain on the west. The Grand Canal passes through the city in a north-south direction. The natural scenery is beautiful. The people of Wuxi are engaged in a concentrated effort to build a city characterized by textile and electronic industries and an attraction for tourists. It has long been a center for silk production and is noted for rice, fish, and a famous clay figurine/pierced porcelain factory. It has many beautiful parks and recreation areas.
Did you know?
Wuxi means ‘No tin”. Wuxi earned its nickname "Pearl of Lake Tai" because it's built on the shore of Lake Tai with beautiful sceneries. Wuxi was also dubbed "little Shanghai" because of its close proximity to Shanghai and its fast urbanization and booming economy.
The City of Wuxi was originally founded in 202 B.C., during the Western Han dynasty. Located 80 miles west of Shanghai in the fertile Yanzi River delta, Wuxi is one of the richest cities in China. It has a population of 6.5 million.
Wuxi is home of the world largest solar panel manufacturers, and is famous for traditional Chinese gardens, silk, pearls, and clay figurines.